How to avoid being ripped off by insurers

The FCA has confirmed what we all knew - that insurers punish those who don't shop around. Here's how to take back control of your insurance costs....

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Alex Hartley 4th January, 2021
The strong growth of guarantor loans continues

The popularity of guarantor loans continues to grow but the threat of regulation looms large. What does this mean for the industry in 2020 and beyond?...

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Alex Hartley 11th October, 2020
Is regulation for guarantor loans going to increase?

As guarantor loans have more become popular the number of complaints has risen. Is more regulation required or simply better clarity about how guarantor loans w...

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Alex Hartley 22nd June, 2020
PPI August 29th deadline is approaching – Apply Urgently

£35bn of PPI compensation has already been paid out. But a final deadline for claims is August 29th 2019. If you haven't claimed then this is how you do it....

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Amanda Gillam 14th August, 2019
Mortgage borrowers need more help to find better deals

It seems odd but you can't compare mortage deals as thoroughly as you can personal loans or car insurance. But the FCA want to change things to resolve this....

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Alex Hartley 10th July, 2019
Is action about to be taken to release “Mortgage Prisoners”?

After the 2008 financial crisis many people became mortgage prisoners - and they may not realise it yet! New FCA proposals aim to gve them mortgage freedom....

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Amanda Gillam 3rd July, 2019
Is the FCA about to clamp down on guarantor loans?

The UK guarantor loans market has grown considerably in recent years. Amigo is the biggest player. The FCA is taking a greater interest in these loans....

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Amanda Gillam 16th May, 2019
Payday loans, mis-sold credit and getting compensation

Payday lenders are faced with a rapidly increasing number of compensation claims. Customers who feel they were mis-sold are taking on their lenders. Could you?...

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Alex Hartley 26th November, 2018
Update on the FCA’s review of motor car finance deals

Car finance has doubled to 2.3 million users over the past decade. The FCA started a review of the market in 2017 to see if there were any issues to be addresse...

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Amanda Gillam 27th April, 2018
The State of Payday Loans Two Years After Regulation

Costs and charges are significantly lower than in 2014, but do Payday Loans now represent a serious short term credit option?...

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Amanda Gillam 25th August, 2017
What is financial age discrimination?

Do you feel you lose out on the best deals simply because of your age? Are financial institutions are looking after the interests of older people?...

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Alex Hartley 24th August, 2016
Payday Loan charges to be reduced by FCA action

The FCA has set limits of the costs lenders can charge for payday loans. It is likely to radically change the industry but will mean some people will be locked ...

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Amanda Gillam 11th November, 2014


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