amigo loans

amigo loans
Is this the end for guarantor loans?

Over the last decade guarantor loans have moved from being a niche to a mainstream loan. Now they are appear to be in decline, but why?...

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Amanda Gillam 2nd July, 2021
The strong growth of guarantor loans continues

The popularity of guarantor loans continues to grow but the threat of regulation looms large. What does this mean for the industry in 2020 and beyond?...

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Alex Hartley 11th October, 2020
Q4 2019: News from our Guarantor Loan Lenders

The UK's guarantor loans market is fast moving. Here's the latest news about the key lenders who provide these loans....

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Alex Hartley 18th January, 2020
Is the FCA about to clamp down on guarantor loans?

The UK guarantor loans market has grown considerably in recent years. Amigo is the biggest player. The FCA is taking a greater interest in these loans....

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Amanda Gillam 16th May, 2019
Amigo Loans, the guarantor loan lender, floats on the Stock Market

The simple idea of helping people with credit problems to borrow has recently made its founder a billionaire! Here's all you need to know about Amigo Loans....

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Amanda Gillam 30th August, 2018


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