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The Rise of UK Credit Deserts

Is your area becoming a credit desert? The UK has 29 places where people who need credit simply can't get it at affordable rates.

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Alex Hartley 23rd March, 2020
Which Comic Book Superhero Would Make the Best Guarantor for a Loan?

Most people choose a parent as a guarantor, but what if you could choose a superhero? We’ve asked some creators, artists & superfans to decide who is the best

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Amanda Gillam 11th March, 2020
The pros and cons of being a guarantor

Here's what you need to consider before agreeing to become someone's guarantor - even if you think you know them well.

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Alex Hartley 23rd February, 2020
Proposed Debt Breathing Space Moves Forward

The UK Government's proposed debt breathing space for those with serious money problems is moving forward - here's an update.

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Alex Hartley 8th February, 2020
Q4 2019: News from our Guarantor Loan Lenders

The UK's guarantor loans market is fast moving. Here's the latest news about the key lenders who provide these loans.

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Alex Hartley 18th January, 2020
Balancing the Budget without Borrowing

If you are tempted to borrow to fund your spending think again. Maybe you could balance your budget without taking on extra debt. Here's how.

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Alex Hartley 5th January, 2020
The Ultimate Guide To Improving Your Credit Rating & Your Loan Acceptance

Are you one of the 10 million UK citizens with a credit problem? Then you need our Definitive Guide to Improving Your Credit Rating! 101 Things You Can Do Now!

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Alex Hartley 16th December, 2019
How will Brexit hurt your personal finances?

Although delayed the threat of Brexit to your personal finances and household costs remains. Have you considered how it could impact you at home?

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Alex Hartley 3rd December, 2019
Credit File Myths Debunked

Hearsay has led to completely incorrect myths springing up about credit files and credit histories. Here we show which myths are complete rubbish.

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Alex Hartley 23rd November, 2019
What is Credit Scoring? What is a Credit Rating?

It's easy to get confused by financial jargon, not least when it comes to credit scores, credit ratings, credit files and credit histories. Here we explain the

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Alex Hartley 3rd November, 2019
How should vulnerable energy consumers be protected?

A recent report demonstrated that vulnerable consumers in the UK - those who are sick, disabled, on low incomes or are pensioners - aren't being protected from

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Alex Hartley 19th October, 2019
In What Situations are Guarantors Needed?

It's not just some loans that ask for a guarantor. There is a myriad of financially-related reasons why a guarantor could help you out.

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Alex Hartley 28th September, 2019
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