What are your rights as a social housing tenant?

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  1. I would like to move but dont want to lose house. Could I put daughter on tenancy as she stays 4nights a week to help me,

    • Hello Sonia. Are you saying you live in a house you bought from a housing association? Or are you renting a house owned by someone who bought it from a housing association? If the freeholder is no longer the housing association then I very much doubt they will feel responsible for the tree. I suggest you need to speak to the current freeholder regarding this matter.

  2. My alarm system has broken down after 20yrs, called my HA and they said if it can’t be fixed they will leave it broken. I am disabled and live in a high risk area.
    What can I do to make them replace it ?

  3. I have problems with my housing association in the way that our neighbour, who is half buy half rent, has more rights than me being a tenant. Where can I find someone to help us?


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